Friday, November 13, 2009

Ski/Wine Board/Brew Fest: Part Deux

The calm before the storm... This is a pic from the Fort Mason setup before the doors opened and mass chaos ensued. It was crazy busy and ultimately very successful. We hope the same for this weekend (14th - 15th) when the Porter's Crew will be at the Santa Clara Convention Center doing a repeat of last weekend. This will be the debut for the Silicon Valley Ski/Wine Board/Brew Fest; however Snowbomb has completed two successful San Francisco shows, so this should be no different. Let the madness begin!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

SF Ski & Board Fest

This weekend (Nov. 7th & 8th) is the 2nd annual Ski & Snowboard Festival at Fort Mason, San Francisco put on by Snowbomb. We (Porters) really didn’t know what to expect when we headed down there last year as it was the 1st show. All our discounted gear was a hit and people waited in line for well over an hour just to checkout. This year we are pulling out all the stops and coming down with extra staff and product. We hope that it is as successful if not more as last year. It will be a long exhausting weekend, but well worth the end result. What's even better is that we get to do it all over again the following weekend at the Santa Clara Convention Center!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Bike Ride

Today I took a bike ride on the Emigrant Trail in Truckee. I got a late start because I worked for several hours before. With the time change, it really gets dark early. Hopefully I can get out and ride a few more times before winter sets in.

Holy 80s - Halloween '09

We didn't have plans on being home for Halloween, but at the last minute our plans changed and we found ourselves home for the weekend without candy for the trick-or-treaters or costumes. We headed out on Friday to hunt for costumes so we could attend our friends Mike and Lorraine's annual Halloween party. Of course all of the stores were packed with frantic last minute shoppers. We figured we'd take the frugal route (imagine that) and try to grab something at Savers and the Goodwill. What a blast from the past it was shopping in these stores. Hammer pants and a jean vest - check...shoulder pads and way too much taffeta - check. At $6 an outfit, how could you resist? Saturday night we passed out candy to the trick-or-treaters (I think we had around 40)and then around 9pm headed to the party sporting our 80s attire.

Project Closets!

A few weekends ago, we tore out our one shelf/one bar closets and installed organizers. We sealed up some cracks and also painted. It was a pain, but well worth the effort. Here are some before and after shots.